
Mt. Hope Scrolls: It’s still right beside the road


It’s still there right beside the road. It’s a truck that was converted into a limousine. The strange thing about this truck happens to be that it has been sitting in the same place for more than 10 years. I’ve been driving by this truck for quite a while. It’s on a lightly traveled road and several hundred yards away is a shop that seems to be in operation. Cars seem to come and go but the truck/limo sits be the road.

The first time I saw the truck it had for sale information written on the windshield. I only go by this place about once a month, but the truck remains. In about a year the for sale information had washed off the windshield. Within five years, signs of rust began appearing.

I told a friend about the truck. He should be the perfect candidate to buy this truck as a project. He only likes to get stuff that has to be delivered on a trailer. He loves to work on old stuff and anything with rust he has to remove or something that has to be welded is his type of project.

By year eight he had gone by and looked at the truck but he didn’t buy it or make any kind of offer on it.

It’s hard to believe that he wouldn’t want something like this. Now it’s ten years and the truck still sits by the road. It is not abandoned. The grass is cut around the truck and the tires are pumped up. I’ve been curious but not curious enough to stop and check on the truck.

I’m speculating that the owner just loves the truck more than anyone in the world. There are lots of people that are like that. You know the saying about trash and treasure.

There are lots of things we have to keep just in case we need them. I’m betting you have a drawer in your house with all sorts of special cooking utensils or pots and pans you seldom use. Maybe you collect things just because you don’t have one.

Equipment is especially fun the have. Trucks, tractors, tools and antique equipment can compliment any yard. One guy I knew brought a forty-foot dredge boat into his yard. All his neighbors asked why. He said that he didn’t have one. Stuff like that is always better to have and not need rather than needing it and not having it.

We can’t help ourselves. It’s fun to collect things no matter what they cost, how insignificant they are or they take over the space we live in. Some times the big stuff that can stay outside is the easiest to hang on to. If you have found a car in your yard while cutting grass, you might reconsider your collecting habit.

Who knows you may get on a television show about how your collecting has taken over your life. That might be the reason the truck sits besides the road. It cost a lot when they bought it and they are not going to part with it.

Some little collections are more fun than others. One guy collects specialized whisky bottles. He bought a bottle of whisky that he never drank. It was in a special bottle and cost $100. He said he wasn’t going to drink it because it cost so much. He was going to will it to his children. They probably wouldn’t drink it because it cost so much either. One day after the children’s death, the government would send somebody over to clean out the house because they are hoarders too.

This column has reminded me that I need to haul off some old stuff. That would leave room to get something else. Who knows I may stop by the truck and see if it really is for sale.